Wednesday, March 22, 2017


   Today the supreme court unanimously decided that children with disabilities should receive more than just the minimum for their education. The case dealt with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1975 that promised "free appropriate public education" to all children with disabilities. In 2008 Neil Gorsuch was on the tenth circuit court of appeals in Denver, he was on a three-judge panel that ruled in favor of the schools because they were doing "merely more than minimal." The supreme court unanimously decided to reverse the lower court's ruling because ethe minimum was too low and they deserve more. The decision came during day three of Gorsuch's confirmation hearing.

   This relates to what we are going over in class because it not only deals with the court system and it's rulings but it also deals with the constitutionality of laws or rulings. Since judicial review was established by Marbury vs Madison, the courts have had an important role in this country's future. The supreme court also used its power to be the last say in a matter by their ability to overrule a hearing from 2008. It also shows how they are using the law and other acts that have been passed to right the wrongs that have already been done in the past.

   I feel that the supreme court's choice to overrule the original ruling was a good thing. I agree that kids with disabilities should get the same opportunity and ability at an education just like any other kid. Without that, I would have a hard time getting an education since I have ADHD and need accommodations to be able to succeed in learning and getting an education. Even though I am not as bad as some other kids out there, we should all get the same chance and ability at a proper education so we may one day have a stable life beyond school. 

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


   On Saturday all across the US, the ACLU had training events for protesters. These events were used to inform protesters of their rights while protesting. Around 200,000 people showed up to 2,000 different events all over the US. This is the first event of its kind where an organization is trying to help people learn their rights and how they can protect themselves during a protest or from the law. Its main focus was the first amendment and civil rights for LGBT people. It also did two other things, one of which was launching a site called to try and connect protesters across the country. The second thing it did was planning to create "freedom cities"  which will protest against Trump's new immigration laws and bans as well as other things that affect the nation's minorities.

   This relates to what we are going over in class because it is about the people being protected while protesting for civil rights. Protesting is one of the main reasons so many people have rights today. The main way women's suffrage was noticed and given was through protesting. With the protesters having more knowledge of their rights will help out with having fewer people go to jail during protests. These protests have been gaining a lot of attention recently because of the recent election and the police involvement. With informed citizens we have fewer people go to jail or get in trouble while protesting.

   I think this article is a good way to show how we are trying to help protect people who are trying to change America. These events are good for the protesters who believe in something but don't know anything about protesting. This is a good way to get people to protest more for things they believe in. If we had done something like this earlier we would have had fewer problems with protests in the past. I think that getting the public educated about certain things will help us change this nation to be a better place. We still have a long ways to go before we are completely equal but for now, this is a good start.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


   On March first, Trump blocked some correspondents from news sources to come and see his meeting or State of the Union Address. Even though some sources like CNN, the New York Times, Politico, and Buzzfeed weren't allowed in other conservative or news sources that supported his new administration like Fox News, Washington Times. Others that were allowed were ABC, CBS, NBC, the Wallstreet Journal, Time, and the Associated Press. Since Trump blocked some news outlets from seeing either event Time and the Associated Press did not attend as a sort of protest against Trump's decision on letting some news outlets attend but not all. Trump did not let some of these news outlets attend because of all the stuff he's had to deal with like all of the leaks that have happened which have affected Trump, his staff, and some of our foreign relations. Even with all the protesting and shaming that is going around about Trump and the news sources who didn't attend there isn't really anything that can be done about it. He simply didn't want them to show up so just by some odd chance another leak didn't happen. 

   This article relates to what we are talking about in our class currently because it is about media. The reason Trump blocked out some of the news sources is because of their roles in the media. They acted as a gatekeeper by keeping news about Trump and his administration at the top of the page. They also acted as a watchdog by digging up things about him and his staff like his connections with Russia and its leader, along with countless other top secret things that have been leaked. The reason none of these news outlets are in trouble is because of the first amendment protecting their right of free speech and press. Since Trump is being watched about twenty-four seven by these news watchdogs, one slip and a sound bite will be made and make him look even worse than he does now.

   I think that there should be a little more restriction on what the news can cover and do to get its stories. I do question why Trump didn't allow certain news sources to come and cover what was going on unless he either has a grudge or something to hide. The fact that top secret information was leaked out to news sources is concerning for how well we are protected from dangers whether they be from the US or from another country. This whole ordeal with Trump not letting a few news sources to cover his meeting and address has been blown up to be bigger than it should be. It isn't a very big deal at all that some sources didn't get coverage they could go cover another story somewhere else that could put light on bigger issues rather than who's allowed coverage or not.