Wednesday, March 22, 2017


   Today the supreme court unanimously decided that children with disabilities should receive more than just the minimum for their education. The case dealt with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1975 that promised "free appropriate public education" to all children with disabilities. In 2008 Neil Gorsuch was on the tenth circuit court of appeals in Denver, he was on a three-judge panel that ruled in favor of the schools because they were doing "merely more than minimal." The supreme court unanimously decided to reverse the lower court's ruling because ethe minimum was too low and they deserve more. The decision came during day three of Gorsuch's confirmation hearing.

   This relates to what we are going over in class because it not only deals with the court system and it's rulings but it also deals with the constitutionality of laws or rulings. Since judicial review was established by Marbury vs Madison, the courts have had an important role in this country's future. The supreme court also used its power to be the last say in a matter by their ability to overrule a hearing from 2008. It also shows how they are using the law and other acts that have been passed to right the wrongs that have already been done in the past.

   I feel that the supreme court's choice to overrule the original ruling was a good thing. I agree that kids with disabilities should get the same opportunity and ability at an education just like any other kid. Without that, I would have a hard time getting an education since I have ADHD and need accommodations to be able to succeed in learning and getting an education. Even though I am not as bad as some other kids out there, we should all get the same chance and ability at a proper education so we may one day have a stable life beyond school. 

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