Wednesday, May 17, 2017


   Today, the Justice Department appointed former FBI Director Robert Mueller as special counsel to oversee the investigation into Russian interference with the election. Mueller has authorized to prosecute federal crimes in the federal investigation. This appointment was supposed to be used to calm the public after Trump fired the last FBI Director James Comey. Most of the White House does not agree that giving him special counsel is a good idea. Meanwhile, some officials such as Rosenstein believe that special counsel is necessary for the investigation to be thorough and effective.

    This doesn't really relate to what we are going over in class but it relates to Congress and the Executive branch which we went over during course work. Since he was elected after the previous one was fired it shows how Congress would rather use someone with experience over someone with new ideas. Since they can't decide one whether or not to give him special counsel shows how bi-partisan our government is and how they make every little thing difficult. This whole situation would be easier to deal with if Russia didn't get involved in the first place.

   I think this is important because it could be something Trump is remembered for like Nixon is remembered for Watergate, and Clinton is remembered by Monica Lewinski. It could be his downfall or it could lead to a bad situation between the U.S. and Russia. Most likely it will turn out to be nothing and a big waste of time for both parties involved. I just hope once this investigation is over we will start using our resources wisely and for a good purpose or cause. It just seems to be an ongoing process that doesn't have an end in sight, or maybe it is actually being used to cover up something else that the government doesn't want to be leaked.

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