Wednesday, May 24, 2017


   On May twenty-second, an article was posted about water pollution all over the United States. It talks about the water problem in Flint Michigan and how it isn't getting fixed. It also brought up two other instances of water pollution such as the one in Navajo where it is a matter of getting clean drinking water from miles away or risking the chances of getting cancer from the water since there was a uranium mine built there ages ago. The last location it brought up is in Charleston West Virginia where the water has been banned from consumption after some officials discovered a licorice smell coming from the water after a chemical leak. The reasoning behind nothing really being done for these people is because of our unequal economic system, systemic problems, and negative stereotypes towards people causing little to nothing being done for them. 

   This is relevant to what we are doing in class because water pollution is the topic for the project I am making a video for. This shows what can happen because of water pollution which can help me and my partner on our video. These stories also give us insight into how we can help stop it and possibly end it in the US. While looking for this story I also found other interesting articles that could help our research for the video and make it more credible. This article has indirectly helped me a lot with this video we are making in class.

   I think this article is important because if people are having trouble with the basic thing needed for life on earth we should try and help them not leave them out to dry and deal with it on their own when they can't. Even if they are a lower social class or different race they should still get the same things the rich white people do in America. I think it's a disgrace to have people struggle with finding water in a country as advanced as America. Even though it's a problem in America there are far worse problems in other countries but this article brings light to the problems in our own country. We should at least try and help these people rather than blame their problems on them when it isn't even their fault, it's the fault of the failing government we made and how riddled with corruption and corporate funding controlling it.

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