Wednesday, February 22, 2017


   Since 2014 spending on political campaigns and in congress has gone up quite a bit. Many groups that support tax reform, trade, and retirement security have increased if not doubled their spending on lawmakers in congress. One example is the ACLI has increased its spending from $663,600 in 2014 to around $1.3 million in 2016 towards lawmakers. Some other examples are the IRI going from $139,300 to $223,700, the FSI went from $286,000 to $332,500. These are all examples of how interest groups are trying to influence legislation through funding and donating to lawmakers. These interest groups aren't pouring money into congress just to get a law passed they're trying to get the legislators to have conversations about future laws that could be passed.

   This article relates to what we're talking about in class because it is all about interest group spending. These interest groups are trying to use their money to help with the insider strategy where they get up close and personal with the lawmakers. This strategy isn't used as often as the outsider strategy since it's easier to do and to get what you want. Even though interest groups aren't the main way congressmen and candidates for any political office get their funding they are a good way to get support and votes for their campaign. Interest groups have some influence on legislation whether it be with money or support.

   I think that spending on congress from interest groups has increased is interesting. I understand that they want to voice their opinion and get laws passed, but the amount of money being spent on just getting someone to support your views is almost absurd. Spending upwards of a million dollars just to get a law passed or a candidate elected is almost just wasting money. If you put into perspective with how much was spent on either presidential campaign, Hillary's or Trump's, it seems that it is a proper amount for voicing a concern and opinion. Even though money is the go-to way to get something done in this day and age I think there are better ways to get something done and better things that money could have gone to other than just another congress member.

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