Wednesday, February 8, 2017


   On Tuesday a North Carolina state panel up held part of  a new law that took power away from the new governor. The ruling was to temporarily halt the need for legislative approval on his cabinet candidates.The limits on Governor Roy Cooper's power were set by the former state governor and state government, which is mostly Republican in both chambers, right before the November election. The governor did this to handicap the next governor so they couldn't do much without consulting the general assembly first. Since the law was put into effect Mr. Cooper has filed a lawsuit and a panel of judges are considering his case because they say he has shown likelihood of success in his challenge. He has till May to continue appointing cabinet members until he needs notify lawmakers of his selections.

   This relates to what we are talking about in class by showing how political ideology and beliefs can effect a government. Since the government at the moment is mostly Republican and orthodox they don't agree with the new changes that were going to be made to the government and the state. The clash of these two political beliefs made one side act in an unprofessional manner and they passed a law that limited the powers of the next governor, who is Democratic. Another reason this ties into what we're covering in class is the different types of voters. This wouldn't of happened if voters payed attention to the names on the ballots and maybe got informed once in a while we wouldn't have a screwed up government.

   I think that Roy Cooper's decision to fight back against a heavily orthodox and republican general assembly for his powers back is a smart idea. Even if there is a lacking of a liberal presence in our state government, Cooper should still be able to carry out his duties even if the opposite party wants to be childish and handicap him just because he's Democratic and they don't have the same values or visions for this states future. In my honest opinion the states should be a little more like the federal government so that problems like this wouldn't happen often or ever.

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