Wednesday, February 15, 2017


   This week the third largest political party in Florida dissolved. The Independent party had around 250,000 members, which made it ten times larger than the Libertarian party and fifty times larger than the Green party. Some say the numbers are inflated because the actual number of voters is lower than the number of registered voters. This is because people didn't want to affiliate with a party but accidentally put Independent instead. The start of the purge dates back to 2014 when they didn't do a tax audit with a certified public accountant. When the party's account couldn't afford the CPA it dissolved. 

   This relates to what we're doing in class because it's about political parties. Supporting a party is important because it can help them with things like tax audits or funding for campaigns. Since most of the registered voters didn't actually support them, they didn't get a lot of funding and had to dissolve into nothing. Even though it was only a third party, the support wasn't really enough for it to keep a big status against the other parties. The loss of this party isn't very big since it was only a small third party that didn't have much political impact.

   I believe they deserve what they got because they should have found a way to resolve the problem before it ended them. Since they didn't do their tax audit correctly they got penalized. If you can't pay the penalty you should be punished but I think dissolving the entire party was a bit harsh. If they either had more time or got better staff and support they might still be around. Even though they are gone now they might make an appearance later on or at least be mentioned in a history book somewhere.

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